Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My Thoughts On Yours

Katherine's Article: President Obama's Deal With Iran

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Katherine's blog. She made a lot of solid points and successfully captured my attention as the reader. I agree that Obama's decision to bypass Congress has too made me uncomfortable. I don't feel as if he's accurately covered all bases and quite honestly feel like this is a little too impulsive for my liking. Katherine makes a great point when she says, "This agreement aligns the U.S with an enemy while ignoring the concerns of our allies in this region." To me this statement speaks volumes. It not only raises red flags for me about the well being of our country but I also really agree with her words. I believe this agreement is not as thought out as it should be, there are a lot of questions left unanswered and while reading Katherine's article I found that I agreed with most everything she said. The only flaw in this blog was the missing link to the article that I was curious to read after such a great blog post! Great job, Katherine!

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