Friday, May 1, 2015

More Police Misconduct!

6 Officers Charged in Freddie Gray's Death

By: Marisol Bello and Yamiche Alcindor

These women collectively wrote a very intriguing article about six police officers who are now facing second degree murder charges against a young black man, wrongfully arrested, named Freddie Gray. On April 12, 2015, police arrested a man accused of carrying an illegal weapon, in Baltimore, Maryland. When investigated further, the ugly truth of the violence bestowed on Freddie that day turned out to be frightening. Freddie endured a head injury, and an injury to his back that resulted in a severed spinal cord. He was refused medical attention although he asked on multiple occasions for his inhaler, and simply just for help from a medical professional. In the video, you can see Freddie escorted to the van, unable to use his legs and screaming in pain. When investigated, they found the police were solely responsible for these injuries, happening sometime between the time of the arrest and the trip in the transportation van. A fellow passenger in the van insists he heard Freddie injuring himself, but the rest of the community cannot rationalize how one could severe their own spinal cord.

Marisol and Yamiche provide copious amounts of witness statements, facts, and treacherous details throughout their article, in hopes that the people of Baltimore are given the answers they deserve. I think its necessary for the community to be granted the peace of mind that everyone is responsible for their actions whether they be black, white, cops or thugs.

The article is very touching, supplying graphic detail and current information on the ongoing investigation. I have hopes that the community will collectively stay adamant on recovering the truth and that who ever may be responsible for such misconduct be punished accordingly.