Friday, February 27, 2015

In Gretchen's World

February 26, 2015

Article Link Here

Gretchen Carlson, a lead anchor on the FOX news channel, expresses her distress about recent contradictions between our U.S leaders. Gretchen has her own show on FOX, has previously worked as a co-host on Fox and Friends, reported on several national and international stories, and even contributed to the networks election coverage for the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. Carlson believes we as American's should question the contradictions between some of our U.S leaders. John Kerry, the secretary of state states "We're as safe as we've ever been" and Carlson thinks this may be just an attempt to keep us calm! Recent commentary from former head of the DIA, retired General Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, reveals the complete opposite of Kerry's statement. Kerry is "totally irresponsible and clearly not listening to the intelligence community." He further states "Kerry should be challenged by anyone who cares about the future of our country." For Carlson this has raised many questions. It has raised question for me as well. She makes valid points and references credible sources. She introduces the article with a personable approach to really engage the reader. I believe she is speaking to all Americans when she reaches out asking for opinions. She is concerned with the well being of our country due to recent ISIS threats and videos. The ISIS situation should not be taken lightly and we as Americans have the right to know truthfully what is coming. I don't want anything to be sugar coated, and neither does Gretchen Carlson.

Friday, February 13, 2015


February 13, 2015

Yes, you read that right! A combination of both the Earned Income Tax Credit application and Obama's executive action on immigration have resulted in the eligibility for back-returns to illegal immigrants. Obama has bypassed congress on this issue lawlessly.  The EITC application, applying to those who do not receive W2's, is painfully unclear and has resulted in up to 10-14 billion dollars in lost revenue to ineligible recipients. John Koskinen, an IRS commissioner, states that the application causes confusion. He proposes that we need correctable error authority and to find a way to make it easier for the EITC filers.

In a meeting with congress last week, Koskinen told members that as long as social security numbers were issued, immigrants were deemed eligible even if they did not pay taxes. This to me makes for a very interesting story that I believe would be beneficial to read for many reasons. Firstly, 10-14 BILLION dollars of lost revenue, that could have been spent constructing schools or researching the cure for cancer, is no minor mistake. Second, the flawed stipulations for EITC filers is essentially taking money and throwing it right out of the window. We are hard working, legal citizens who deserve responsible representatives. Koskinen even admits to their flaws. He then attempts to distract listeners from the issue at hand by suggesting that claiming dependents incorrectly is primarily at fault for such high numbers in lost revenue. Give this article a read and discover all the mishap with the EITC application and with Obama's action on immigration.
Click here to for the link I found most informative on The Drudge Report.